Terms and conditions
Below are the terms and conditions from AutoSync
Terms and conditions valid from 1.11.23
All terms are in norwegian. We have listed the most important ones below.
- Toll Tag Subscription
There are significant costs associated with purchasing and distributing toll tags, which is why we are changing from deposit to subscription. Instead of paying a deposit of 200 NOK when creating an AUTOPASS agreement, you will now pay only 5 NOK per month.
- Practical changes for you as a customer
There will be no practical changes for you when the new terms are valid from 1.11.23. The subscription will be clearly specified on your invoice.
- No change in toll passing prices
Toll fees go towards the construction and development of roads and good traffic solutions, and our change is due to increased costs associated with purchasing and distributing toll tags. The subscription fee covers the expenses we have in this regard. The Toll operators prices will not be affected by our changes as a Toll Service Provider.
- Inactive tag
With the toll tag subscription you will have to pay for toll tags you have at home. You can manage your toll tags by logging in to fremtindservice.no/en. There, you can see which toll tags are active, inactive, and terminated.
- No tag in the car
You still pay 5 NOK if the toll tag is at home, but we are considering introducing a fee for incorrect toll tag installation because it creates more manual work for us and the toll operators. If you return the toll tag, your agreement will be terminated, and you will have to pay full price and lose all benefits.
The fee we are considering will only apply to those who have not properly attached the toll tag to the windshield as they should. Those affected will receive a warning before any fee is imposed. AutoPASS regulations require a valid AutoPASS agreement and correctly installed toll tag to receive discounts and other benefits.
Mounting a toll tag in the car is simple, and we also provide guidance on our website. If the toll tag is not correctly installed, it will not be registered, which results in each passing needing manual analysis. This is expensive and should be unnecessary.
- Fee for not properly installed tag
From November 1, there is no difference from today. It's too early to say exactly how much it might cost later. It depends on how many choose to comply with the user terms and correctly attach the toll tag by that time. We hope it won't be necessary to charge, but it depends on users installing the toll tag correctly.