Here you can find answers to our most frequently asked questions about AutoPASS.
Here you can find answers to our most frequently asked questions about AutoPASS.
Log in with your norwegian BankID, if you do not have this choose to log in with your e-mail. Then you can add a new customer profile or activate an existing one.
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With an AutoPASS-agreement and toll tag from AutoSync in your car, you can pass through all toll stations in Norway, and some stations in Scandinavia.
Your benefits:
You get 20 % discount on your toll passings
You get 10 % discount on several ferries in Norway
All your AutoPASS toll passings in one invoice
With the AutoPASS agreement, you get the benefits one-hour rule and monthly cape
An AutoPASS agreement and toll tag cost 5 NOK a month, per tag.
Read more about how to cancel your agreement by following the link below.
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You can easily add, transfer or remove a vehicle or change your customer details by logging in.
Note that the agreement and the tag is personal, and you can not change the name on the agreement.
If you paid a deposit for your toll tag when you signed up for the AutoPASS agreement, you will be refunded the remaining deposit when you cancel your agreement.
From 1.11.23 you no longer have to pay deposits for toll tags. Now you only pay 5 NOK a month per tag. The amount will be deducted from your deposit. When the deposit is used, you will be invoiced 5 NOK per month per tag. This will take about 40 months.